How Did You Do During National Pest Management Month?
Did you know that the month of April was National Pest Management Month? April is a great month for pest management awareness due to the changing season. Spring is when animals and insects begin to emerge from hiding in search of food, water and shelter. Unfortunately, this can mean bad news for homeowners as pests generally find homes to be the perfect solution to their problem. National Pest Management Month has been celebrated by the National Pest Management Association for over 30 years. During the month of April the NPMA recognizes professional pest management companies for their part in taking care of health and property safety problems due to pests.
Pest management professional usually go unnoticed for the amount of work they do to ensure good health and safety for America. Their work is typically performed behind the scenes. They work hard to eliminate pests and the threat they pose. Many of Schendel’s pest professionals have addressed pest problems in hospitals, schools, restaurants and homes in an effort to provide a safer place for people to abide in. During the month of April the NPMA takes a moment to recognize their hard work and aids these unsung heroes in creating pest awareness. At Schendel, it doesn’t matter what month it is, we are always willing and ready to offer helpful pest prevention tips! These prevention tips include:
Sealing any cracks or holes on the exterior of your home. This can be around windows, pipes and wires. We suggest using silicone based caulk to stop any pests from entering.
Replace weather stripping and any screens with holes or tears.
Eliminate any standing water around your home.
Make sure trash cans and food sources are sealed tightly.
Be sure that your basement, attic or crawl space is ventilated and dry.
Keep your gutters and downspouts clean and directed away from your house.
If your home or business is already dealing with a pest infestation and you are in need of pest control in Kansas City we highly recommend you contact a professional pest control company like Schendel Pest! Dealing with a pest on your own can be costly, dangerous and more often than not is unsuccessful. Professional pest management technicians are trained to deal with many different types of pest problems. Schendel’s pest professionals can quickly identify the problem pest you are dealing with as well as customize a treatment plan for your unique needs! Whether you need help with a current pest infestation or you would like professional help in safeguarding your home from possible pest invasions, Schendel can help!
How Did You Do During National Pest Management Month in Kansas, Missouri and Arizona?
Serving Kansas, Missouri and Arizona