
Schendel To Host AIB Training Seminar On November 12

Schendel To Host AIB Training Seminar On November 12


October 27, 2009 (Topeka, KS) — Schendel Pest Services has joined forces with the American Institute of Baking International (AIB) to host a seminar for the employees of third-party inspected food production facilities on Thursday, November 12 at the Phoenix Doubletree Guest Suites in Phoenix, AZ.  The goal of the seminar is to educate employees and their managers about critical changes in third-party inspection regulations and safety programs, namely those of AIB.  Al St. Cyr, Head of Food Safety Education for AIB, will conduct the day-long seminar.

AIB regularly conducts food safety audits of companies that manufacture, process and package food products.  Because the efficacy of these facilities’ pest control programs is a key element of an audit, Schendel hosts seminars annually to educate inspected facilities’ employees.  Attendees do not have to be customers of Schendel to attend, and the seminar is being provided by Schendel and AIB free of charge. 

Al St. Cyr, Head of Food Safety Education for AIB, will conduct the training.  According to St. Cyr, “There are so many changes in the regulatory pipeline, and preparing a plan to meet these expectations is critical. This seminar addresses many of the vital issues concerning the changing regulatory environment and the steps food plants should consider. Understanding the regulations and how to monitor a food plant are the first steps to building a solid platform to make sure companies are in compliance.”

Agenda items for the November 12 meeting include:

  • Global Food Safety Initiatives

  • Updates and Changes to the AIB Consolidated Standards

  • Handling a Regulatory Inspection

  • Elements of a Food Plant Inspection/Audit

  • The Prerequisites for Effective Pest Control

  • Monitoring for Pest Activity

“Schendel is proud of the role we play in protecting the safety of our food supply,” said Brent Boles, Schendel president.  “Seminars such as this allow us to help our customers and others in the food processing industry learn how to make their AIB program more successful, which ultimately makes their company more successful.  We are excited to share the expertise of Al St. Cyr with our colleagues in the food processing industry.”

To request an invitation to the free AIB/Schendel Pest seminar, please contact Julie Johnson at 1-785-233-3332 Ext. 114 or email her at Julie@pestzero.com

About Schendel Pest:  Schendel Pest Services has provided complete pest management services to commercial, industrial, and residential clients since 1947.  Schendel’s corporate office is located in Topeka, Kansas and Schendel provides services to customers in five states – Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma.  Additionally, Schendel Pest Services is a partner with Copesan Services, which enables the company to sell and service commercial accounts on a national basis.


About AIB: AIB International is a corporation founded by the North American wholesale and retail baking industries in 1919 as a technology transfer center for bakers and food processors. The original mission of the organization was to “put science to work for the baker,” and that basic theme is still central to all of the programs, products, and services provided by AIB to baking and general food production industries worldwide.  AIB is headquartered in Manhattan, Kansas, home of Kansas State University and one of the major centers for wheat and related grain product research and development in the entire world. The Institute works closely with local grain science and trade organizations, and maintains links and working relationships with many other food production and equipment, food safety, trade development, and food legislation groups and university food science research programs both in the United States and abroad.

The AIB association currently has more than 900 members in many countries, ranging from international food ingredient and foodservice companies to small single-unit traditional and artisan retail bakeries.

Schendel To Host AIB Training Seminar On November 12 in Kansas, Missouri and Arizona

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